Rebuilding America, The U.S.A.

The speech that President Obama read about the America Job Act 2011, I found to be a great moral booster. The America Jobs Act 2011 describes so many different things that need to be done in rebuilding America, The U.S.A.. Some of the things that need to be done, businesses need to start hiring employees as this will create more jobs. The jobs that are created by business, owners will also see their payroll taxes cut in half next year. People who have a job feel important and have a higher self esteem. Employees who get paid for the work that they perform, will be inspired to do more things, such as buy a house, a new car or truck.  This will create jobs for Architects, Building engineers and a lot of other trades people.

They say “We’re cutting the red tape that prevents some of these projects from getting started as quickly as possible.” That government red tape that they are cutting, creates a lot of jobs for a lot of employees. What needs to be done is use the technology of today to speed up the process of government red tape. As an example, in the past [online] I applied for a credit card . I received the credit card agreement, contract. Depending on how fast a person can read the credit card agreement, contract will determine how long the process takes to apply for the credit card. Because of my low vision, I had my computer read the credit card agreement, contract back to me!! With the excellent technology of today, this took only about 10 minutes or less. Then I filled out the application, pressed the “submit button”. Within a few minutes I was approved for the credit card. That is excellent technology!! There is no reason why our government can not speed up the red tape process.

In the speech President Obama was talking about construction jobs, hammering in the first nail is the first step in Rebuilding America, The U.S.A..
By passing the job bill,  It will lead to new jobs for everyone including construction workers, teachers, veterans, first responders, young people and the long-term unemployed.  It will jump start thousands of transportation projects across the country. Right now, today I have some of those items that the construction workers and people in the  transportation industry can use. Check out my ebay site. I have more items coming every day.

As an idea maybe someone from The White House, Congress, Apple Inc., Facebook, Twitter or even a well known person such as Oprah Winfrey, or Bill Gates might read this post and act on it.

To read the speech, please click “here.”

I look forward to reading your comments [feedback] on this post and my other posts.

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